Somos una agencia de representación de modelos y actores para publicidad y ficción, con sede en Barcelona.
Joven empresa fundada en el 2012 avalada con la experiencia de sus fundadoras, con más de 20 años en el sector trabajando para las mejores marcas nacionales e internacionales.
TEL: +34 93 595 00 77 FAX: +34 93 667 21 98
The submitted communication will be incorporated into the information systems owned by PRINCIPAL MODELS & ACTORS, S.L., with the sole purpose of participating in selection processes opened by the Agency, and cannot be used for other purposes.
We include your CV, photographs and other information you can send us in our database and if we decide to expand our team of actors and models and their profile meets our needs, we will contact you.
The indication of your data, and in accordance with the provisions of the European Regulation 2016/679 of Data Protection, you grant unequivocal consent to PRINCIPAL MODELS & ACTORS, S.L., to proceed, in compliance with the purposes mentioned in the section previous, to the treatment of the personal data provided. Likewise, said consent extends to the transfer of the data in accordance with the applicable legislation.
At any time you can exercise the rights of access, erasure, rectification, opposition, portability and limitation, communicating it in writing with indication of your data to the email address
This website and all its content, including the services provided, are the property of PRINCIPAL MODELS & ACTORS, S.L., with registered office at c/ Madrazo 27 1º 3ª, 08006 Barcelona, Tax ID B-65891756. Tel. +34 935950077. Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Volume 43433, Page 64, Sheet 429599, Section 8, Entry I. Contact email:
1. Purpose
PRINCIPAL MODELS & ACTORS, S.L. (hereinafter referred to as PRINCIPAL or the provider), as the party responsible for this website, makes this document available to users in order to comply with the obligations established by Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI) and to inform all users of the website about the terms and conditions of its use.
Through this website, PRINCIPAL facilitates user access to and use of various services and content made available online.
Anyone accessing this website assumes the role of a user (hereinafter referred to as the user), which implies full and unreserved acceptance of all the provisions included in this legal notice, as well as any other applicable legal provisions.
As users, you are required to read this Legal Notice carefully each time you enter the website, as it may undergo modifications. The provider reserves the right to modify any information that may appear on the website without any obligation to give prior notice or inform users of such changes, with the publication on the provider's website being sufficient.
2. Terms of Access and Use of the Website
2.1. Free Access and Use
Access to and use of the PRINCIPAL website are free of charge for all users.
2.2. User Registration
In general, browsing the website does not require prior subscription or registration by users. However, PRINCIPAL may condition the use of certain services on the prior completion of the corresponding user registration form. Such registration must be carried out in the manner expressly indicated in the relevant section of the service.
2.3. Accuracy of Information
All information provided by the user must be truthful. The user guarantees the authenticity of the data communicated through the forms for subscribing to services. It is the user’s responsibility to keep all information provided to PRINCIPAL permanently updated to reflect their actual situation at all times. In any case, the user will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and for any damages caused to the provider or third parties.
2.4. Minors
For the use of services, minors must always obtain prior consent from their parents, guardians, or legal representatives, who are ultimately responsible for all actions carried out by the minors in their care. It is the responsibility of these adults to determine specific content accessed by minors, and therefore, mechanisms should be established on their computers—such as software, filters, and blocks—to limit access to inappropriate content. Although these tools are not infallible, they are especially useful for controlling and restricting materials accessible to minors.
2.5. Obligation to Use the Website Correctly
The user agrees to use the website in accordance with the law and this Legal Notice, as well as with moral standards and good customs. For this purpose, the user must refrain from using the website for unlawful or prohibited purposes, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or in any way that may damage, disable, overload, deteriorate, or prevent the normal use of computer equipment or documents, files, and any kind of content stored on any of the provider’s computer equipment.
In particular, and without limitation, the user agrees not to transmit, disseminate, or make available to third parties any information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound or image files, photographs, recordings, software, or any other material that:
a. Contravenes, belittles, or violates constitutionally recognized fundamental rights and public freedoms, international treaties, or other applicable laws;
b. Induces, incites, or promotes criminal, denigrating, defamatory, violent, or, in general, unlawful behavior contrary to moral standards and public order;
c. Induces, incites, or promotes discriminatory actions, attitudes, or thoughts based on sex, race, religion, beliefs, age, or condition;
d. Violates the right to honor, personal or family privacy, or the personal image of individuals;
e. In any way undermines the credibility of the provider or third parties; and
f. Constitutes illicit, misleading, or unfair advertising.
3. Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability
The provider disclaims any liability for information published on our website if this information has been manipulated or introduced by an unrelated third party.
This website has been reviewed and tested to ensure it functions correctly. In principle, proper functioning can be guaranteed 24/7, 365 days a year. However, the provider does not rule out the possibility of certain programming errors or events of force majeure, natural disasters, strikes, or similar circumstances that make access to the website impossible.
PRINCIPAL does not grant any warranties and is not responsible, in any case, for any damages of any kind that may arise from the lack of availability, maintenance, or proper functioning of the website or its services and content; the presence of viruses, malicious or harmful programs in the content; unlawful, negligent, fraudulent, or contrary use to this Legal Notice and terms of use; or the lack of legality, quality, reliability, usefulness, and availability of services provided by third parties and made available to users on the website.
The provider is not liable under any circumstances for damages resulting from the illegal or improper use of this website.
4. Cookies
The provider’s website may use cookies (small information files sent by the server to the computer of the person accessing the page) to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the correct functioning and viewing of the site. The cookies used are, in any case, temporary, with the sole purpose of making navigation more efficient, and they disappear at the end of the user session. In no case will cookies be used to collect personal information. For more information, see our Cookie Policy.
5. Links
This website may redirect to third-party websites. Since we cannot always control the content introduced by third parties, PRINCIPAL assumes no responsibility for such content. In any case, the provider declares that it will proceed to the immediate removal of any content that may contravene national or international legislation, morality, or public order, immediately removing the redirection to these websites and informing the competent authorities of the content in question.
The provider is not responsible for the information and content stored, including but not limited to forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks, or any other medium that allows third parties to publish content independently on the provider’s website. However, in compliance with Articles 11 and 16 of the LSSICE, the provider makes itself available to all users, authorities, and security forces and will actively collaborate in the removal or, where necessary, blocking of all content that may affect or contravene national or international legislation, third-party rights, or moral standards and public order. If the user considers that any content may fall under this classification, they are requested to notify the website administrator immediately.
6. Personal Data Protection
The provider is deeply committed to complying with personal data protection regulations and guarantees full compliance with the obligations set forth, as well as the implementation of the security measures established in the European Data Protection Regulation and Spanish data protection legislation. For more information, see our Privacy Policy
7. Intellectual and Industrial Property
This website, including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation, and other elements necessary for its operation, designs, logos, texts, photographs, and/or graphics, is the property of the provider, or if necessary, the provider has an express license or authorization from the authors. All the content of the website is duly protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations.
Regardless of the intended purpose, total or partial reproduction, use, distribution, and public communication require prior written authorization from the provider. Any unauthorized use by the provider will be considered a serious breach of the author's intellectual or industrial property rights.
Designs, logos, texts, and/or graphics not belonging to the provider and which may appear on the website belong to their respective owners, who are responsible for any potential disputes that may arise regarding them. In any case, the provider has the express prior authorization from these owners.
The provider recognizes the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights in favor of their holders. The mention or appearance on the website does not imply the existence of any rights or responsibility of the provider over them, nor any endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by the provider.
To make any observations regarding potential breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights or any of the website's content, you can do so via the email mentioned above.
8. Duration and Termination of Services
The services provided through the website are, in principle, of indefinite duration. However, PRINCIPAL may terminate or suspend any of the services provided through the website. Where possible, PRINCIPAL will announce the termination or suspension of the specific service.
9. Force Majeure
PRINCIPAL will not be held responsible if it is impossible to provide the services available through this website due to prolonged power outages, telecommunications line failures, social conflicts, strikes, rebellions, explosions, floods, acts and omissions of the government, and in general all cases of force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances.
10. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
This legal notice is governed by Spanish law.
For the resolution of any disputes or issues related to the website, the parties agree to submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona.
If the user is considered a Consumer according to the definitions in the General Law for the Protection of Consumers and Users, any disputes will be resolved in the Courts and Tribunals of the user's domicile.
If any clause in this legal notice is declared null or ineffective, in whole or in part, it will not affect the validity of the remaining clauses, which will remain in force unless PRINCIPAL states otherwise.
Furthermore, for any claims, users can contact the phone number and email provided at the beginning of this legal notice or access the EU Online Dispute Resolution platform through the following link:
In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (GDPR) and the Organic Act 3/2018, on Personal data Protection and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD), as a result of navigation and filling in web forms, the user accepts that personal data provided or made available in the future through such services are processed by PRINCIPAL MODELS & ACTORS, S.L. (PRINCIPAL MODELS), in its capacity as data controller.
From PRINCIPAL MODELS, we have a strong commitment to the protection of personal data and taking all safety precautions of your data. We also contractually require that trusted third parties who can treat their personal data do the same.
We always do our best to protect your personal information and once we have received your personal information, we use strict procedures and security measures to try to prevent unauthorized access.
Under the obligations established by Act 34/2002 of Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce:
The owner of this provider Web page services PRINCIPAL MODELS & ACTORS, S.L. with CIF B65891756 and domiciled in C / Madrazo, 27, 1, 3, 08006, Barcelona.
The contact email address is:
The holder and controller for the purposes of the rules on data protection is PRINCIPAL MODELS & ACTORS, S.L., with CIF B65891756 and domiciled in C / Madrazo, 27, 1, 3, 08006, Barcelona.
2. Protection of personal data in accordance with applicable regulations
PRINCIPAL MODELS,as responsible for this website and in accordance with the provisions of the RGPD and other applicable regulations regarding the protection of personal data and Act 34/2002 of 11 July, Services Information Society and Commerce electronic (LSSI-CE) has implemented those policies, and technical and organizational means to ensure and protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of their personal data procedures.
PRINCIPAL MODELSwill always inform you about what data are mandatory and necessary to fulfill the purposes that are detailed below.
All those involved in any phase of treatment and / or entities who have been notified them in his case and under the authorization expressly granted by Ud.- are obliged to observe professional secrecy and take the levels of protection and technical and organizational measures at its disposal to ensure the security of personal data, avoiding as far as possible, unauthorized access, illegal modifications, theft and / or loss of data and in order to ensure the corresponding level of safety of treatments carried out by PRINCIPAL MODELS depending on the nature and sensitivity of the information provided by you through this web site.
However, you are warned and informed that technical measures are not infallible and unassailable, why, PRINCIPAL MODELS can not be held responsible for such practices or their consequences, especially for the presence of viruses or other elements or either damages that may result from the presence of virus, connection or you download. content from the website that cause changes in computer systems (hardware and software).
Refer to any information or data that can identify you (such as your name or last name) or indirectly (for example, national identity card or DNI). Personal data includes information such as email / private / mobile phone postal addresses, user generated content, among others. It could also include unique numeric identifiers such as IP address of your PC or MAC address of your mobile device as well as the information we collect through cookies.
We may collect or receive data via our website using the appropriate form more information. To do this, in some cases you. We directly facilitates data (when such contacts us) and in other cases we collect (eg when using cookies to understand how you use our website).
For more detail and information through the following table and the corresponding headings in terms of GDPR:
Epigraph |
Basic information |
Additional Information |
Controller |
PRINCIPAL MODELS & ACTORS, S.L. owner of the website |
CIF B65891756 and domiciled in C / Madrazo, 27, 1, 3, 08006, Barcelona. |
Purpose of the processing and storage of data |
Contact PRINCIPAL MODELS for any questions about the services we provide. Provision through the site http://www.principalmodels.esfrom information services for the purpose of attending to the queries made by you.
The holder consents data specifically to the controller perform the following activities and / or actions, unless directed otherwise by contract or request information regarding the services listed in the previous column or as a result of a subsequent withdrawal of consent initially awarded: (i) (i) Respond to inquiries and provide required information. (ii) Subparagraph web "Being a model": through this section, we will request data on identification, contact and physical characteristics as well as information concerning your image with the sole purpose of validating its profile as a potential model. (iii) Access data Suppliers: Please note that, being necessary, your data will be processed by other companies that help us provide IT services, including platform providers and support in our database and our software and applications. (ii) (iv) In general your personal data will be used to interact with you and to provide our services and products. After the connection, the data is retained for the period of time that is appropriate in view of meeting the time limits of possible infringements of data protection and, according to the time limits provided in other legislation which can be applicable. |
Lawfulness of processing |
(I). - performance of a contract.
(II). - legitimate interest.
(III). - explicit consent.
(IV) .- compliance with a legal obligation |
The request for information services PRINCIPAL MODELS is based on the consent is requested without prejudice to the withdrawal of it upon your request. The legitimate interest will be the basis to respond to your inquiries and provide required information and, where appropriate, for eventual shipment of communications. The legal obligation will occur when processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the controller. Performance of a contract will occur when processing is necessary for the performance of a contract in which the subject is party or for the application at the request of the pre-contractual measures. |
Recipients |
Please note that your data may be processed by other entities (treatment charge) for the success of the provision of services PRINCIPAL MODELS.
The transfer to third parties of data for other purposes require prior consent |
Your data will be processed by other companies (processors) that help us provide IT services, including platform providers, maintenance and support in our database and our software and applications that may contain information about you, without granting their consent, given that PRINCIPAL MODELS addresses and formalize a contractual relationship with them (treatment charge) in order to keep the strictest confidentiality in the processing of their personal data. |
Rights |
You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, restrictions on treatment and portability of their data at any time; and revoke consent to the processing of data. |
You may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, opposition, restrictions on treatment and portability of their data and revoke consent to the processing of data by writing to PRINCIPAL MODELS & ACTORS, S.L., CIF B65891756 and domiciled in C/Madrazo, 27, 1 , 3, 08006, Barcelona or email In compliance with article 80 of RGPD we inform you that you are entitled to mandate the Spanish Authority control so that, if any, interest in the exercise his rights regarding data protection. |
Source of data |
The interested party or third parties |
The data are treated come from the person concerned and/or authorized by it in favor of third PRINCIPAL MODELS. The categories of data we deal with are: · Identifying data. · Postal or email address, if any, contact telephone. · Physical characteristics. · Image. We inform you that the data we process are not regarded as specially protected under the provisions of the RGPD. |
If there is a sale, merger, consolidation, change in corporate control, transfer of substantial assets, reorganization, transformation or liquidation of the website which is currently PRINCIPAL MODELS owner then, at our discretion, we may transfer, sell or assign information collected on this Site to one or more acquirers relevant parties, communicating to this change responsible for your data.
This website contains material prepared by PRINCIPAL MODELS for information purposes only. The information contained on the website does not constitute in any way a means of professional advice and use is the sole responsibility of the user.
PRINCIPAL MODELS will not be in any way responsible for any errors or omissions that may exist in the information provided, nor the application or use that might be made of it.
PRINCIPAL MODELSreserves the right to modify, develop and / or update the content of this site, this Legal Warning and the conditions of use or privacy policy that may be applicable to this website without prior notice.
All content on this website, including text, trademarks, service marks logos, images, graphics and designs are owned by PRINCIPAL MODELS and are protected by current legislation on Intellectual Property.
In any case access to the site by the user grants rights to such content, even for mere reproduction for personal use.
Finally, although PRINCIPAL MODELS provides links to third party websites, is not responsible for the content found on these Web pages, to the extent that they are managed by third parties outside PRINCIPAL MODELS.
Sponsor is not responsible for personal or treatment data is performed through the above Web pages.
PRINCIPAL MODELS reserves the right to amend this policy to adapt to new legislation or jurisprudence as well as recommendations and guidelines of the relevant supervisory authority. In such cases, PRINCIPAL MODELS duly informed of updates and changes to its privacy policy.
11. Use of data for other purposes
Our policy is not to use your data for other purposes other than those that we have explained. However, if we need to use your data for different activities, always we ask their permission beforehand through clear ways for you to decide.